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What's In Store for 2019 Part 1

© 2018 by Thomas Morrell

What is in Store for 2019? By Thomas Morrell ©2018

2018 (11/2) has been an interesting year and being the Number the Moon, ruling women, the masses, health concerns, etc., we saw many women being elected to public office, health care was a big issue, as well as, more discord with the masses all over the globe. Using Numbers, The Ancient Book of Time and the Mayan Time Grids, let’s take a look at what’s in store for 2019.

The Year/Number 2019 adds to a 12/3. Being a Number 3 Year, it can be a time of expansion and growth as 3 is the Number of Jupiter. In the Mundane, Jupiter rules finances and trade globally, religion, high courts, judges and borders between countries and treaties. While Jupiter’s influence is usually good, negatively it can bring religious suppression, over production, border disputes, international predicaments, along with import/export issues. Being where the World is now, it’s probably the negative side.

The Compound Number 12 reduces to 3 (1+2=3) which is the Number of Jupiter and while that is usually good, in Chaldean Numerology 12 indicates the victim, or sacrifice that needs to be made. Knowing this, look for an important leader to make a sacrifice, along with sacrifices/victims in dealing with possible trade agreements and borders between countries, etc.

Not only does a Number have a Numerological significance, but it has a Symbolic one, as well. By taking a Number and reducing by 52, until the remainder is 52 or less, we can come up with its Symbolic Value. 2019 then, can be reduced to 43 which is the Solar Value of the 4 of Spades. 4 is the Number of Uranus which rules the unexpected, breaking things up, rebuilding and the Number of humanitarian pursuits. Spades is the Element of Water, governing the heavier things in life, our work, health and spiritual pursuits. The natural urge of this Card is to be a hard worker, to build a solid foundation in the areas mentioned above. Being the Number of Uranus there can be something unusual, or unexpected about it, as well.

Falling in the Venus Column in the Life Plate, social pleasures, diplomacy, negotiations for peace, national resources, farming and fashion can be areas the 4 of Spades is involved in (Venus). Negatively, difficulties in these areas, including artistic or cultural suppression. The 4 of Spades also falls in the Jupiter Line – Jupiter also being the ruler of the Number of the Year, just repeating what was said under that above – (In the Mundane, Jupiter rules finances and trade globally, religion, high courts, judges and borders between countries and treaties. While Jupiter’s influence is usually good, negatively it can bring religious suppression, over production, border disputes, international predicaments, along with import/export issues), but being the Planet that rules the Number of the Year is the same as the Planetary Line in the Life Plate under which the 4 of Spades falls, it would magnify the areas governed by Jupiter, as well as, defining the areas in which events will happen.

The Card Number being a 4, in the Mundane we can also look for events and experiences to happen in the following areas – air and rail transport, technology, civic and labor organizations. Negatively this can represent strikes, riots, protests, upheavals and revolutions. Also look for travel accidents, explosions, earth quakes and severe weather.

In the book The God Clock, a new look at the passage of time I lay out what I call the Mayan Time Grids – tables that illustrate specific Cycles and Seasons of Time and their corresponding 7 Planetary Periods within each of those. A Planetary Period will govern the areas ruled by that Planet and knowing this, will describe, or define the environment in which events and experiences will happen within that moment in Time.

We know it is a 12/3 Year, the Number of Jupiter, it is a 4 of Spades Year and 4 is the Number of Uranus and it falls in the Venus/Jupiter position in the Life Plate. And we know the areas that are effected, or ruled by these Planets/Numbers.

Knowing the areas just mentioned will be the focus of 2019, in what environment will this take place – in Time.

In 1982 we started a new 364 Year Cycle and we are in a 52 Year Mercury Period, the Information Age. Within this Cycle there will be 4 – 91 Year Seasonal Cycles with 7 Planetary Periods of 13 Years, 13 – 28 Year Cycles with 7 Planetary Periods of 4 Years and 52 – 7 Year Seasonal Cycles with 7 Planetary Periods of 1 Year.

2019 is an Ominous Year as in 2008 we went into a 13 Year Mars Period in the current 91 Year Cycle, in 2018 we went into a 4 Year Mars Period in the current 28 Year Cycle and in 2019 we are Mars Year in the current 7 Year Cycle.In the Mundane, Mars rules military leaders, police, agitators, militants, criminals and crimes of violence. Men is ruled by Mars and ruled war and the armed forces. We have been under this influence since 2008 in a 13 Year Period and just started a 4 Year Mars Period last year and have seen the conflicts already taking place. Since 2019 is a Mars ruled in Time, look for it to really kick into high gear in the upcoming Year. These conflicts will take place in the areas mentioned ruled by Jupiter, Uranus and Venus.

Look for What’s in Store for 2019 Part 2, where we look at the actual Card Chart for the Year!

Stay Tuned!


Thomas Morrell is the author of The God Clock, a new look at the passage of Time, a fascinating new book on Time revealing its structure, the fabric its made of and its connection to ancient calendars and structures. He is also the author of several books on The Ancient Book of Time, which is a very old symbolic astrology system based on the mathematics and symbols behind the ordinary deck of cards. He has made numerous discoveries regarding this System, not known of in modern times. You can find his books on Amazon and look for instructional videos and lectures coming this year through The God Clock University, where you will be able to learn about Time, Numbers and the most advanced, detailed techniques in the Card System anywhere today

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