The God Clock
a new look at the passage of time

Thomas Morrell lives in the slow rolling hills of Eastern Iowa, near the Mississippi River. Living here in the Heartland has kept him both grounded and given him the ability to approach things in a very practical, no non sense manner. Always being interested in how things work since an early age, his path in this life has led him on an unintended, incredible journey of discovery. While delving into ancient numeric, astronomical and ancient systems to look for possible answers, he saw a common denominator between them and started putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
This has led to important discoveries and understanding in regards to an ancient astronomical system, which he calls “The Ancient Book of Time.” His discoveries include: the mathematical code on which the system unfolds, revealing 5 new charts or increments of time not known in modern times (there were originally only 3 without even a basis for 2 of them) – allowing the smallest calculations from 52 days, now down to the day! The Alphabet/Letter Key allowing the delineation of both names, words and numbers, as well as, many other important
understandings within the System, not known before. He has written several books on the subject, with more to come.
All of this research and discovery has led to the writing and publishing of a remarkable new book on Time itself titled “The God Clock, a new look at the passage of time...” where he proposes a new theory on how time unfolds in 4 different ways at the same time in the mechanism known as The God Clock.
When not pondering the great mysteries of life and our journey through it, Thomas spends his time building/paddling wood canoes and kayaks, designing and building his own archery equipment and still exploring the outdoors, just as he has done since a child. His unintentional quest to figure out how things work has never ended.