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Brooks Koepka wins US Open

© 2018 by Thomas Morrell

Brooks Koepka Wins US Open Mr Jupiter by Thomas Morrell ©2018

On July 17th Brooks Koepka won the US Open Golf tournament and was the first to win it back to back since Curtis Strange did back in 1989. Just as in the Justify/Triple Crown Article, Brooks won this tournament on his Jupiter Day for that week, using The Ancient Book of Time System of the Cards. He was 28 Years old 3 of Spades born on May 3, 1990.

Other interesting notes, he is displacing the 10 of Spades, a powerful Card for success in his 7 Year Chart (Plate 4.) In both his 91 Day Seasonal Chart and 7 Day Weekly Chart, he was in his Jupiter Period in both Charts and in the Crown Line, as well. Being in the Crown Line can bring success and recognition – Tiger Woods had a lot of Crown Line placements back when he was winning many tournaments. Both Brooks’ Seasonal and Weekly Charts were on Plate 22, so not only a Mystic Conjunction of Cards, but a Conjunction of Plates, as well.

Even more interesting is that not only was it his Jupiter Day in Weekly Chart and His 13 Day Jupiter Period in his 91 Day Seasonal Chart, it was also his 4 Day Jupiter Period in his 28 Day Lunar Chart. 3 is the Number of Jupiter, he was born on a Jupiter ruled day, May 3rd and Jupiter is the Ruler of the Number of his Card, 3 of Spades – Mr Jupiter.

Amazing that everything Jupiter lined up in his Charts, along with being in the Crown Line with 2 of them, again Jupiter usually indicating something fortunate.

Another interesting point is that when Curtis Strange won back to back US Opens, it was 29 years ago, the amount of time for transiting Saturn to make a full orbit around the Sun, back, or near to this point. Saturn was within 5 degrees of each other (June 18, 1989 – June 17, 2018) in the Sign of Capricorn and both were in Retro Grade motion.

This event and the outcome is just another glimpse into the importance of timing and only in The Ancient Book of Time System of Card Reading is this level of detail accessible.

Congratulations to Brooks Keopka on his back to back US Open wins and knowing his Jupiter Days fall on Sundays this year, the day Final Rounds are played in Professional Golf , if he is in contention in tournaments to come, don’t count him out for the win.

Another thank you goes out to my Card colleague Todd Person for his contribution to this article. Todd had been using The Ancient Book of Time for years and has done a lot of research into sports/events/athletes and business using this System.

Thomas Morrell is the author of The God Clock, a new look at the passage of Time, a fascinating new book on Time revealing its structure, the fabric its made of and its connection to ancient calendars and structures. He is also the author of several books on The Ancient Book of Time, which is a very old symbolic astrology system based on the mathematics and symbols behind the ordinary deck of cards. He has made numerous discoveries regarding this System, not known of in modern times. You can find his books on Amazon and look for instructional videos and lectures coming this year through The God Clock University, where you will be able to learn about Time, Numbers and the most advanced, detailed techniques in the Card System anywhere today

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