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Justify Wins Triple Crown

© 2018 by Thomas Morrell

Justify Wins Triple Crown by Thomas Morrell ©2018

On June 9, 2018, Justify became only the 13th horse in history to win the coveted Triple Crown of Horse Racing. He was the first since American Pharaoh that won it in 2015 – both had Bob Baffert as a trainer. What this achievement points out using The Ancient Book of Time System is the importance of the Planetary Day within the Chart of the person, entity involved, as well as, Numbers and their rulers, effect.

Justify was born on March 28, 2015 and was 3 years old. Its Birth Card is the 8 of Clubs, one of the 3 fixed Cards in the System. 8 is the Number of Saturn and Clubs is the Element of Air, thus giving Justify a very solid, focused mental ability and attitude. Its Planetary Sign Card is the 10 of Hearts in Mars (he is an Aries which is ruled by Mars) and his Planetary Number Card is the Ace of Hearts, the same as Tiger Wood’s Birth Card. These Cards give him mental power with a lot of desire, passion and fire. Both the 10 and Ace are ruled by the Sun (Fire) and the Suit of Hearts is the Element of Fire.

In The Ancient Book of Time System, the day on which your birthday falls will be your Mercury Card for that Year (it may be adjusted in Leap Years) The 4th day in sequence would be the Jupiter Day, Jupiter is considered one of the beneficial Planets. All 3 races of the Triple Crown were run were on Saturdays, which was Justify’s Jupiter Day in 2018. The planetary ruler of each day does have an effect on it and when choosing fortunate days for an outcome, etc. it is very important to choose specific days, as shown by Justify’s success.

Justify was born on a Number 1 Day, making him a leader. Ruled by the Sun, this gives him drive and a desire to be Number 1. His Jockey, Hall of Famer Mike Smith was a Leo (Fire) born on August 10th, he is a Number 1 and Bob Baffert was an Ace of Spades (Ace = 1) born on January 13th. The Number 13 reduces to a Number 4 and is the secondary Number of the Sun (old Chaldean Numerology Technique.) Interesting that all 3 were Number 1's by Number and/or Card. He was also the 13th horse to win the Triple Crown.

Both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness were ran under wet conditions, this is interesting as in both races Justify was wearing the Number 7, the Number of Neptune which represents the God of the Seas. Also, the Birth Card of Justify, the 8 of Clubs falls in the Neptune Column. The Kentucky Derby was run on May 5th, which is the Ace of Spades, Venus to Justify, the Card of his Trainer and a Number 1.

The Preakness was run on May 19th, a 19/1 day – Justify was born on a Number 1 Day and again, it was his Jupiter Day. May 19th is a King of Clubs which is the Inner Soul Card for his Natal Saturn Card, the 8 of Spades, a power Card of Work and Force.

The Belmont was run on June 9th, the Card of that Day is the 8 of Diamonds, a Card of Financial Strength, gaining recognition and being the star of the show. Again, it was Justify’s Jupiter Day, but Mars ruled by Number and his Mars Card that day was the 8 of Diamonds, a great Card for success and recognition and the actual Card of the Day itself. Instead of wearing Number 7 like he had in the previous 2 races, in the Belmont he wore the Number 1.

Being one of the fixed Cards, its Jupiter position Cards are always displacing the 10 of Diamonds, which falls in the Jupiter/Jupiter position in the Plates and is known as the Blessed Position. Jupiter Days are very beneficial to Justify in general and fortunate they fell on Saturdays in 2018, the day on which all 3 of the races for the Triple Crown were run. As we can also see, the various Numbers that also played a role were important – the Numbers assigned to him in the races, the Numbers/Cards of his Jockey and trainer and the Numbers and Cards of the Days of the races, as well.

It should also be noted that the Name “Triple Crown” calculates out to a 10 of Spades, meaning much success and accomplishment in one’s work and life. In Justify’s 91 Day Seasonal Chart on Plate 12, he was in his 13 Day Uranus Period and had the Queen of Hearts in that position, but it was in reception to his 13 Day Neptune Card which was the 10 of Spades. In Chaldean Numerology, Triple Crown has a numeric value of 10/1 – simply amazing!

Congratulations Justify!

A thank you goes out to my Card colleague Todd Person for his contribution to this article. Todd had been using The Ancient Book of Time for years and has done a lot of research into sports/events/athletes and business using this System.

Thomas Morrell is the author of The God Clock, a new look at the passage of Time, a fascinating new book on Time revealing its structure, the fabric its made of and its connection to ancient calendars and structures. He is also the author of several books on The Ancient Book of Time, which is a very old symbolic astrology system based on the mathematics and symbols behind the ordinary deck of cards. He has made numerous discoveries regarding this System, not known of in modern times. You can find his books on Amazon and look for instructional videos and lectures coming this year through The God Clock University, where you will be able to learn about Time, Numbers and the most advanced, detailed techniques in the Card System anywhere today

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